An oblivious duo are closely monitored after their daring escape from a high security space prison.
Starring Zach Braff and Joel Fry
Directed by Karl Poyzer & Joseph Roberts
Designed and Animated by Karl Poyzer
Written by Joseph Roberts and Rowan Bancroft
Sound Design by Jochen Mader
Orchestral Score by Guido Maat
Theme by Pete “Technicolour” Rogers
Produced by Joseph Roberts & Karl Poyzer
The Floaters universe expands on its a mundane look at the future with a timely second installment. “Hot on the heels” (read: about a year) after their first ever animated comedy sci-fi short ‘Floaters’ landed on the internet, Karl Poyzer and Joseph Roberts have returned with a sequel to the surprisingly successful comedy animation with the immaturely titled: Floaters: The Big Number 2. We can only apologise.
Thanks to: Joe Lawerence, Ben Putland, The Panics, Alex Rusher, Alex Poyzer, Sady Fofana & Ian Hubert